Sunday 17 June 2012

Hitler commits suicide

Near the end of the war, when the Soviet troops entered Germany, it was suggested that Hitler should try to flee Germany. Hitler refused the idea as he feared the chance of being captured. There were rumors of how Soviet troops would parade him through Germany in a cage. To prevent this horrible humiliation Hitler decided to commit suicide.

Two days before committing suicide, Hitler married a woman named Eva Braun. That night he tested out a poisonous pill on his pet dog, Blondi. His new wife, Braun agreed to commit suicide with him. She could have become rich by writing her memoirs but she preferred not to live without Hitler.
By then the Soviet troops were now only 300 yards away from Hitler's underground bunker. Although defeat was unavoidable, Hitler demanded that his troops fight to the death or be executed.
Hitler made a will that left all his property to the Nazi Party. On April 30, 1945, after saying their farewells, Hitler and Eva Braun went into a private room and took poison tablets. Hitler also shot himself in the head. His body was then burned and his ashes were hidden in the ground.

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